Knights of Columbus Pope John Paul II Council 13808 Greensboro, GA
Knights of ColumbusPope John Paul II Council 13808Greensboro, GA

Our Work

The Knights have four core areas of focus: Faith, Community, Family & Life. Our Faith in Action program empowers Knights to come together to share faith, celebrate fraternity with loved ones, and do what they do best — stand shoulder to shoulder in service to the community and to defend life at all stages and in every condition.


In the 2022 - 23 fraternal year, our local council members donated 22,100 hours of their time and raised over $83,000 for our community charities and church activities.


None of this would have been possible without the selfless effort of its members and none of this would have been possible without the continued support of our wives and families who also donate many hours of their own time working with us. It’s personally and spiritually rewarding to be a Knight in addition to the great camaraderie you share with your brother knights and parishioners.


For more information about the Faith in Action program, click Here.


The Foundation supports 10 local counties in partnering while allowing the community to utilize the Athens Technical College’s four local facilities (including Greensboro, Ga) in efforts to teach skills to the community to build up a local workforce.

ATLAS Ministry Inc., is a non-denominational Christian organization serving Greensboro, Georgia and the surrounding area.   Formed in Greene County in 2006, ATLAS is a Christ-centered community resource that works with families who are committed to setting their lives on a healthy and productive new path.


The Circle of Love Center, Inc. provides direct and support services to victims and their children through residential (shelter) and non-residential services in our five county area.



Provides literacy tutoring in school to at-risk 3rd graders with reading levels below the first or second grade. This is a natural extension of the Ferst Foundations efforts.

Robin Ferst formed the Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy in 1999 to help children achieve success in education and in life.  Originating in Morgan County, Georgia the goal was established to send age appropriate books to all children under five in Georgia. We work with the foundatin in Greene, Hancock and Putnam Counties.


First Call Pregnancy Center (Greensboro, GA) are here to assist anyone who finds themselives in an unplanned pregnancy.  They offer compassionate and confidential care by providing pregnancy tests and ultra sound imaging by a medical professional.

The Greene County Food Pantry was founded in 2007 as a 501c3, non-profit, tax deductible organization and is located in the Morningside Apartment complex on Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. in downtown Greensboro GA.  The Pantry serves all Green County residents that qualify for assistance.


The Hancock County Food Pantry serves an average of 649 families with food insecurity, including 181 seniors each month.  These numbers have increased annually inn recent years and are up significantly since 2008.  An estimated 800,000 pounds of food was distributed in 2014 and they expect that amount to be similar in 2016.

The primary mission of Putnam County Resources, Inc. is to distribute food to approximately 300 families.  Each month, the LifeSource Distribution Program, is held to distribute the food. Since January 2009, LifeSource has distributed over 800,000 pounds of food to families throughout Putnam County.


For More Information about our Local Food Pantries contact: 

Mike Kluse

(509) 531-4055


The Green, Jasper and Putnam County Special Olympics :  Their mission is provide year round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sprots for all children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and experience joy and friendship with others.

e Pete Nance Boys & Girls Club was formed in June 2011.  They are committed to working hand-in-hand with the Greene County School System to touch the lives of every child in our community while making our Clu a safe place to learn and grow during non-school hours.

Dedication for the Unborn

Other Community Activities

  • Seminarian Education Fund

  • Visit Veterans at the Va Hospital in Augusta and the GA War Veterans Home in Milledgeville

  • Catholic Cemetery  Maintenance in Sparta

  • Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinners

  • Blood Drives


Council Information

Contact Us

Knights of Columbus

Council 13808


6341 Lake Oconee Parkway

Greensboro GA 30642


Grand Knight

Mike Dutton

Telephone : 

(309) 397-8924


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© Knights of Columbus Council 13808